How to connect ServiceTitan

By connecting ServiceTitan to LaunchSMS, you can automatically send review requests to your customers every time new jobs are completed.

How to enable this feature?

Log into the LaunchSMS admin dashboard and go to “Integrations” and select “ServiceTitan”.

You will then need to copy the “ServiceTitan Webhook Address” that is supplied. You will need that for the email you are going to send ServiceTitan.

You will need your ServiceTitan API Key. If you do not have one you can request one by simply sending ServiceTitan the following email to

Hello Integrations Team

My {{company_name}} would like to use the LaunchSMS integration. Please enable the API Application Access on our live ServiceTitan account.

Below is the webhook address to send completed jobs to:


Here is my Tenant ID: {{tenant_id}}


The ServiceTitan Integrations Team will verify the request and once completed will notify you when the API Application Access page is set on your live ServiceTitan account.

Once you receive access to the ServiceTitan API Application Access page you will need to log into your ServiceTitan account and click on the settings cog:

ServiceTitan Main Dashboard Page

Then in the search bar type “API”

ServiceTitan Settings Page

Then click on API Application Access

Once you are on the API Application Page you will need to get your Tenant ID and send the following email to

Hello LaunchSMS Integrations Team

My {{company_name}} would like to use the ServiceTitan integration for reviews and GMB posting.

Here is my Tenant ID: {{tenant_id}}

Please send back the Application Key


Once we have confirmed that we have added your ServiceTitan Tenant ID, and have sent you back the Application Key you can proceed to connect your ServiceTitan account.

On the ServiceTitan API Application page click on Connect New App, a popup will appear that displays LaunchSMS Reviews. Click it, and then click on “Connect”.

Once connected you will see the Application Details page.

You will need to copy the following details:

  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret (once you generate it)

Once you have a copy of those details make your way back to LaunchSMS and navigate to the ServiceTitan Integration Page.

Enter in the information you recently copied from the ServiceTitan Application Details page here:

Then choose the Business Units you would like to apply reviews and GBP postings to.

From there you will need to finish the Review setup based on the options provided by LaunchSMS.

Additional Fields that need to be configured

Duration between review delivery: You can set this to how many days you would like review requests to go out to any individual customer. 


If set to 10 days and a review request goes out another review will not go out to that customer within a 10 day period regardless of how many jobs are completed for that customer.

Required Paid Invoice: If the invoice is Zero-Rated a review request survey will not go out to the customer.


A technician goes out to a customer’s home to do a warranty repair and no-charges the client. That client would not receive a review request.

How it works

The integration removes the need for technicians to have to use the ServiceTitan app to log the job information and the LaunchSMS app to send a review survey. 

Now every time a technician completes a job using the ServiceTitan app, ServiceTitan will send all of the job data to the webhook address (acquired above). LaunchSMS will then process that data, grab Job information and make another API request directly to ServiceTitan to get all of the correct Job and Customer information. LaunchSMS then uses the Customer Location information to collect location data for the SMS/email delivery of the review survey.

Updated on February 11, 2022

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